a.j.discala's (202) a.schwartz (1676) adams (8) aj abraxis (128) aj discala (202) al franken (124) allison stockel (25) amenia ny (52) american airlines theater (99) amps (24) and (344) and ted kennedy jr (42) andrea pereira (122) andrew tobias (49) anita donofrio (25) annual (293) aqua turf club (386) armonk (19) art (50) art garfunkle (5) associate degree (4) associates degree (5) astaire (162) attended (86) auction (28) auction. (86) award (88) awarded (88) awards (104) b.e.s.t. (114) bailey (334) baily (224) bar-b-q (52) barak (103) barbara bailey kennally (157) basses (24) best (115) bethel party chair (25) betty cordellos (28) big e farm (51) bill (168) bill clinton (135) biondis (127) birthday (337) bob & yvette rose (23) bob kerry (86) bob rose (110) bolton (115) breakfast (69) breaking (115) brian (244) brian schweitzer govenor (244) bridgeport (344) bridgeport ct (41) brookfield (216) brunch (7) buy (24) california (15) california’s 5th district (15) camerarts (29) camerarts events (25) candice meyers (28) carl & barbralee spielvogel (48) carlo leone (122) carol biondi (135) catherine crier (86) catherine ladnier (28) cathy marc lasry (129) celebration (140) chaired (86) chairman howard dean (99) chairman, (99) chairwoman nancy dinardo (213) champions (42) champions of housing 2012 (114) champions of housing 2012 award (114) chappaqua (63) charles (3) charles nicholas vitti (25) charles phillips (39) charlotte (113) chelsea (124) chris (29) chris seeger (47) circle (41) circus (83) city (52) claudino weber (28) clinton (145) cocktail (130) cocktail party (188) cocktail reception (65) cocktails (130) col.david h.hackworth (28) commons (122) congress (114) congressman jim himes (292) congressman jim hines (58) conn (224) conn convention center (224) conn. convention center (157) connecticut convention center (244) connecticut democratic party (249) connecticut democrats (183) connecticut young democrats (42) connetcuit democrats (157) conneticuit democratic party (213) continental manor (216) core club (202) county (108) countyart (4) crystal blair (122) ct attorney general richard blumenthal (86) ct convention center (176) ct governor dannel p. malloy (114) ct june 1 (244) ct state senator scott franz (86) ct. (124) culinary (3) cutting (179) cyndi (5) dahlia (4) dahlia "pobie" johnston (7) dan (25) dan rather (79) daniel schwartz (9) darryl (3) david (354) david rose (23) day (125) dean (99) debbie camner -coordinator (104) debra hauser (41) democratic (125) democratic state central committee (124) democrats (224) dennis lee (58) denocratic state central committee (213) diana jelmini (28) diane diamond (28) diane farrell (114) dinardo,chairwoman,dscc (244) dinner (1374) dnc (151) donald rainone (58) doris matsui (15) dr. & mrs daniels (19) dr.k.j.lee-founder (104) dscc (124) dscc chairwoman (244) ed.mitchells (115) eilhys (86) eilhys england (116) eilhys england hackworth (79) eilhys england hackworth. (86) eilhys england- hackworth (28) elizabeth's restaurant (42) emanuel seingler (28) england (86) englewood, nj (47) entenmann (51) essex house (53) event (87) events (208) executive director jonathan a. harris (213)
fairfield (133) fairfield guitar center (24) father michael galasso (213) finance associate (25) finch (63) first selectman bethel (25) first selectman.susan d. coco (25) for (458) former comandant u.s.m.c. (28) foundation (104) fr.michael galasso (157) fran goldstein (113) francine goldstein (41) frank biondi (135) frank napolitano (28) fred (162) fred astaire (198) fred astaire showcase (216) friday (226) friedman (88) friends of hillary (62) fund (56) fund raiser (51) fund rasier (107) fundraiser (243) gala (115) gallery (51) garden reception (103) gay (99) general al gray
darrah gleason (28) general james h.throwe (157) general john batiste (28) gillibrand (41) gina (216) goethche (216) gov (3) gov. (126) gov. james webb (79) govenor (244) govenor danial p. malloy (157) governor (103) governor bill richardson (103) governor daniel malloy reelection (25) governor dannel p malloy (224) governor martin o'malley (224) governor's office (129) graduation (9) grand (198) grand buffet (216) grand opening (198) great neck (58) greenwich ct (28) greenwich first selectman (86) gts (24) guest (4) guest speaker (3) guitar (24) guitars (24) hack (28) hadassah (110) halo (104) hart (88) hartford (835) hartford convention center (184) hassan nemazee (56) helene barre (29) henri bendel store (49) hillary (116) hillary clinton (248) home (111) hospital (115) hosts (99) hotel (3) housing (42) howard (99) howard dean (101) howard rubinstein (113) huston (115) hyatt regency old greenwich, ct (107) ilya (198) image file#60109jjb (243) image file: 91706rl (107) image file:51109cr (129) image file:61306yd (94) inaugurations (147) inc (39) inc,2013 (17) inc. (4) inc.stamford ct (122) indiana (5) institute (3) j.j.b. dinner 4.12.10 (167) jack mitchell (86) jackson (558) jagger (5) james (4) james a. amann (42) james torrey (26) janas (6) janas adams (7) jane eckert (52) janus (4) janus adams (6) jefferson (558) jefferson jackson bailey (176) jefferson jackson baily dinner (224) jefferson-jackson-baily (213) jerome siegel (5) jersey (103) jill page (28) jim himes (122) jjb democrats dinner 4.12.10 (167) joe beiden (176) joel levine (79) johnston (5) jonathan tisch (46) joseph magistri (25) juanita (4) juanita james (4) judith hamer (28) judy point lane (114) july 29,2005 (46) july 4,2005 (49) july 5,2005 (48) june 24,2005 (52) june 26,2005 (47) june 27,2005 (24) just democrats (53) justin kronholm (213)
kathalynn davis (28) kaylin warlikowski (213) keith (5) keith buckler (28) kevin bacon (52) keynote speaker (224) keynote speaker3/13/2012 (114) keynote speaker3/13/22012 (113) kiki (42) kim meyerhoff (28) king (115) knights of columbus hall (24) koskoff (113) kristen gillibrand (41) labianca (354) labor (124) labor day picnic (124) lauper (5) lawn party (51) leadership (41) leadership circle (41) lesbian (99) lieberman (111) lights (51) liles (115) lilian shalome (113) linda levy (28) liz obernesser (28) longview (48) lt governor nancy wyman (213) lt. govenor (157) lt.governor nancy wyman (224) luncheon (66) mach (173) malloy (25) mamaroneck (5) manhattan (271) manhatten (46) march 30 (28) marcia miller (28) margaret papandreou (28) marriott hotel (114) marshall (122) marshall commons ribbon cutting (122) martha's vinyard (134) martin (216) marvin rosen (122) mary jane weiss (28) mary newcomb (28) mary-jane foster (41) massachusetts congressman barney frank (99) master of ceremonies (86) maura kallaway (28) maureen white (49) may 11 (129) may 25,2005 (53) may22,2005 (152) may4,2005 (20) mayor bill finch (58) mcdaniels (117) meeting (115) michael crain md-executive director (104) michael pavia (122) michael rienzi (52) michigan (22) mick (5) milk studio (124) mississippi (3) montana (244) montville (198) montville, (162) moodus (124) morrocian (113) morrocian dinner (113) mr. dan rather (86) mr.rory (129) murphy (29) musgrove (3) music and arts center for humanities (83) music and arts center for humanity (88) nabfeme (115) nadia (198) nadia's (36) nan levy (28) nancy (244) nancy dinardo (401) nancy o'brien (122) nancy wyman (157) ncad (114) neighborhood (109) neighborhood studios of fairfield county (4) neighborhoods (17) neighborhoods,inc. (30) nemazee dinner (62) nevada (129) new (158) new haven (104) new jersey (198) new neighborhoods (124) new neighborhoods inc (128) new york (1037) new york city council speaker christine quinn (99) new york, new york (233) nick lundgren (122) norman hsu (35) norwalk (334) norwalk ct (216) norwalk hosital gala (106) norwalk hospital foundation (106) november 18,2005 (19) november 5,2005 (46) obama'08 (103) obama, (103) october 19 (106) october 3 (113) opening (281) orlov fund raiser (69) oyster bay, new york (43)
p.t.barnum museum (83) paint the town blue (53) pam pell (28) parts (24) party (44) patient (104) patricia dolyak (122) patti kenner (28) patty ekvall (28) people (79) peter tesei (86) philadelphia, pa (73) picnic (124) places (129) planning (115) planning meeting (115) plantsville ct.governor dannel p. malloy (213) podie lynch (26) politcal fundraisers (129) president (136) president clinton (129) president of the new school (86) raiser (55) re-election (130) re-election campaign fundraisier (224) reception (75) reid (129) remy joseph (58) restaurant acqua pazza (52) rev.dr. james wheeler (122) ribbon (179) ribbon cutting (57) richard blumenthal (79) richards (5) richards of greenwich (114) richardson (103) ridgefield (216) ridgefield party chair (25) ridgfield ct 10-27-14 (25) riverhead (51) robert rose (23) robert van lierop (103) rodham (3) rolling (5) ronnie (3) rory reid (129) rosalind m. rubin (122) rose (110) ross burkhardt (129) rudy marconi (25) russell simmons (113) ruth siegel (5) s,a.schwartz (68) s.a. (303) s.a.schwartz (2923) s.f.t.t. (28) sandra wagenfeld (114) sandra waggenfeld (41) sandy labriola (28) santora (77) sapori d'ischia (77) saschwartz (69) saturday (213) schwartz (3773) schweitzer (244) scott franz (79) scott mitchel (28) sculpture" (83) sell (24) semi-formal (216) senator (261) senator barack obama (184) senator chris dodd (147) senator christopher dodd (147) senator chuck schumer (124) senator clinton (77) senator debbie stabenow (144) senator edward m. kennedy (122) senator hillary clinton (114) senator hillary rodham clinton (769) senator jack reed (124) senator jim webb of virginia (86) senator jon s. corzine (124) senator lieberman (110) senator nicholas brady (124) senator paul sarbanes (124) senator robert c. byrd (26) senatorial campaign fund raiser (122) senators reception at milk studio (124) september 25,2005 (26) september 6 (103) service (88) sftt (116) sharon kinney (28) sheffer dinner (11) sheffler dinner (26) sheila mahoney (15) sheila may (28) shelly lynch (28) show (75) silence (115) silent auction (28) song (115) south hampton (48) southern (24) southern ct guitar show (24) southington, ct (173) speaker (4) st. regis hotel (35) stamford (118) stamford marriott hotel (48) steffi (88) steffi friedman (171) steffi friedman sculpture group (83) steohen (24) stephen (5121) stephen a. schwartz (142) stephen a. schwartz photographer (213) stephen a. schwartz photography (25) stephen schwartz (114) steve@camerarts.com (25) stockel home (25) stones (5) studio (198) studios (109) stumps (103) sunday (124) sunrise resort (124) susan cocco (41) susan d. coco (25) susie quinn (28) teddy kennedy (122) terry rogers (28) testo's restaurant (88) the (1165) the 2009 b.e.s.t. auction (86) the circus in sculpture (83) the culinary institute of america (9) the nemazee family (55) the new york society of ethical culture (114) the patient is u foundation (104) the wm o'neill award (157) theresa henkelmannm (28) tina nova (44) tpiu gala (104) trade (24) tuesday (23) tv personality (86) tyler tinsworth (28)
u.s. congressman jim himes (86) u.s. senator richard blumenthal (157) u.s.senator richard blumthal (213) united girls choir (213) united states senator (40) university (5) used (24) values) (134) victoria kennedy (122) victory (63) vintage (24) vivian (77) vivian santora (77) volume:100304hf (114) was (89) washington dc (44) well (86) wendy gerbier (157) wes moore (114) west orange (103) west side (69) west virginia (26) westport (248) westport ct (25) westport, ct (137) whoopee goldberg (124) william fox (28) wine tasting (51) with (133) wm yates (122) woman who jam (114) www.camerarts.com (138) www.camerarts.com westport ct (213) wyndham franklin plaza (73) york (7) yvette rose (23)